
Welcome from the Pastor:
"Speaking the truth in love, we will grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15).
Dear friend,
This is what Trinity Lutheran Church is all about -- speaking the eternal, unerring, saving truths of God's Word clearly and faithfully in genuine Christian love in all our preaching, teaching, and sharing one with another. |
As we do this, by God's grace and power, we become more sure of the salvation our God has undeservedly showered upon us in our Savior Jesus, and, as a blessed byproduct, we're drawn closer to each other as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Precious Redeemer. |
It is my hope and prayer that you will join with us in worship to be built up and comforted by God's saving truths. We pray that you will consider joining our fellowship, becoming part of a Christian family united in one faith, one hope, one baptism, confessing one doctrine, and sharing Christ's saving and healing love with each other ... and with the world!
In our Savior's amazing grace,
Pastor Keith Ellerbrock
Pastor Ellerbrock and
his wife, Dawn.
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A Brief History of Trinity
Trinity Lutheran Church was organized as an independent Lutheran Church on July 19, 1964 by a group of concerned Lutheran Christians who were determined to remain faithful to the Holy Scriptures and proclaim Christ, God the Son in human flesh, crucified and resurrected as our gracious Savior and the only hope for our fallen world. The Rev. William Bischoff was called to serve as Pastor and services were held in Bridgeway Public School in Bridgeton.
God blessed the fledgling congregation and in 1966 four and one-half acres of property were purchased on McKelvey Road in Bridgeton. In December of 1966 a beautiful new church with seating for 220 people was dedicated. Over the next few years God opened doors and three mission congregations were organized by Trinity: one in St. Charles, Missouri, another in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and another in Marietta, Georgia.
In 1976 Trinity joined the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod since the Synod had now removed false teaching from its seminaries and returned to full allegiance to the Holy Scriptures. On December 12, 1976, Dr. Jacob Preus, President of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod preached at the Tenth Anniversary of the dedication of Trinity's church building and the celebration of its entrance into the Missouri Synod.
On June 15, 1997 Rev. Bischoff officially retired and Rev. Keith Ellerbrock was installed as Trinity's new pastor. By God's grace Trinity's present pastor, as well as its leadership and its people seek to remain as faithful to the Lord of the Church and His inspired, inerrant Word as Trinity's former pastor and the faithful members who have gone before always were.
We still follow the historic liturgy in our worship, and strive to deliver a clear Word of Law and a clear Word of Gospel in all our teaching and preaching, for the eternal blessing of all our hearers.
"I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word, and hast not denied My Name" (Revelation 3:8).
To God Alone Be All The Glory