
What We Believe:

For a brief introduction to the basic articles of the Christian faith, you may be interested in reading portions of Luther's Small Catechism: |
For a more detailed overview of confessional Lutheran theology with supporting Bible verses, you might be interested in reading the Brief Statement of the LCMS. |
For a general overview of the historic Christian faith, you may like to read the three ecumenical creeds. |
About the Lord's Supper: In the Lutheran Synod of Missouri, we practice Closed Communion. You should know that this is not a new or novel innovation of the Missouri Synod. From the first century through the Ninth centrury, this was the universal practice of all of Christendom. We Missouri Synod Lutherans do not wish to bar fellow saints from the blessings of the Lord's Supper or be separatistic, or set ourselves up as judges of men's hearts. But since we cannot search men's hearts, we must follow the practice of our Saviour who did not invite all of His followers in Jerusalem to His Supper, but only the twelve men He had instructed in doctrine. Therefore, except in cases of emergency and Pastoral care, we invite only those in synods in fellowship with us to join us at the Lord's Supper. The practice of Closed Communion is prompted by love. A full statement on the Biblical theology and and practice of the Lord's Supper is availble on request. If you wish to join us in our Communion Fellowship, pease speak with the pastor or an elder prior to the service. (more on Closed Communion) |